Before you start
Before starting on your capsule wardrobe journey, its a good idea to go through your all of your current items and having a little de-clutter. The items that are left can be the items that you can use to start building your new streamlined capsule wardrobe. Tips on de-cluttering your wardrobe can be found in the blog post “Wardrobe to Weardrobe” Once you have decided what to keep and what to let go, its time to start building your Core Capsule.
Keep it Simple
Try to stay away from super trendy items, whatever your style go for shapes and colours that you have like for years and feel confident that you will like for years to come.
Whatever your personal style, pick a colour palette that works for you and try to stick to it, over time this will help to ensure that the items in your wardrobe are interchangeable.
Invest in Quality
Your Core Capsule is the foundation of your new wardrobe. These items are the work horse pieces and if you invest wisely in these classic pieces, you will be wearing them for many years to come.
So you want to buy the best that you can afford but not more than you can afford and over time or as your situation improves you can replace core pieces that are maybe not the highest quality with better quality replacements.
Cost per wear for your core capsule items should be low even though the initial cost may be a bit higher than what you might usually spend.

Save money by buying Used
A great way of getting great quality core pieces is to buy second-hand pieces. If you are based in a big city there are usually lots of secondhand, vintage or thrift shops around. If you don’t have access to these kind of shops there are lots of ways to get great quality affordable pieces on line such as Ebay, Depop or Threadup. Buying secondhand is also a much more sustainable way to buy new clothes so its a win win!

Its a Marathon not a Sprint
Building a Capsule wardrobe is a journey so be patient, remember Rome wasn't built in a day! Be kind to yourself if you make mistakes and over time you will have a wardrobe of items that function cohesively that you utilise fully and enjoy wearing. Good luck!